Chat Transcript Feb. 15 2001

By Robin Parrish

Reproduced from an archive of

Shaded Red Chat Transcript

2001: The Year We Make Contact

On Thursday evening, February 15, 2001, we were joined in the chat room by Shaded Red. Here is a complete transcript of that event. Jamie & Jon Roberts of Shaded Red were present under the username ‘jamieandjon’ during the chat. I (Robin, the moderator and your Christian Music Guide) am visible under the name ‘christianmusicADM’.

christianmusicADM Our first comment comes from glo4Christ> hey guys! you’re awesome men of God and I really appreciate you! jon, do you remember EXCEL in ny, where my friend and i got our pic taken with you by that photographer from youth for christ? we really enjoyed meeting you and jamie, you were so friendly and real, not all “high and mighty” like some “rock stars”:) God bless
jamieandjon> thank you glo4christ….new york rocks
christianmusicADM theelectric3 asks> Could you explain the song endless summer days?
jamieandjon> Endless summer days—-
jamieandjon> The song is about waiting for summer and feeling like it will never arrive but once it does—-it’s a beuatiful thing
christianmusicADM theelectric3 says> Dale Tyge says HI =)
jamieandjon> Hi dale
christianmusicADM Ezequiel has been dying to ask you this question> can you email me the real chord of any of your songs
jamieandjon> Ezequiel -the chords to the song can be found usually on the band message board.
jamieandjon> just ask our fans for the chords and they’ll help
christianmusicADM AnnEli asks> Hey studs! Ann here! How are you? Long time no chat, but anyway, here is my brain teaser for the evening: if you could be any super hero, who would you be and why? 🙂
jamieandjon> The superhero jon would be is mighty mouse, and jamie – captain america
christianmusicADM theelectric3 asks> How is your mother doing?
jamieandjon> Our mom is well – continue to pray for God’s support and direction in her life, thank you
christianmusicADM RedExtol says> hey! i just wanna thank u 4 the way u have obeyed God. I got saved at ur concert in 97
jamieandjon> Very kewl, Praise God
christianmusicADM lambies asks> who is on the cover of Red Revolution?
jamieandjon> A little boy – he is a model
christianmusicADM AnnEli asks> hi fellas! ann agian. so when do i get to come visit my paiting?
jamieandjon> That would depend on if California is your next destination?
christianmusicADM ConsumingFire asks> How come your not coming to Creation West??
jamieandjon> Since when our we not coming to creation west…..bug creation and we’ll be there.
christianmusicADM AnnEli gets to the big question> ann agian, so what has been happening with the new record?
jamieandjon> We are writing new songs —-the songs have to be good before we will release them-
jamieandjon> expect a new album in one year
christianmusicADM> any news on the record label front?
jamieandjon> We have recieved offers – just pray for us as we determine what to do
christianmusicADM> That’s cool. theelectric3 asks> Do you guys have any prayer requests?
jamieandjon> Yes, for guidance, and for God to continue working anew in our lives
christianmusicADM glo4Christ wants to know> do you guys like delirious?
jamieandjon> Yes – the guys are very nice, and I love their songs
christianmusicADM soulkissed asks> where did you boys get the inspiration for “wait”?
jamieandjon> I – jon- couldn’t walk a year and a half ago after the accident.
jamieandjon> After I knew I was getting better it ripped at my heart
jamieandjon> So I wrote about having to wait to see my family and friends again while being on the road
christianmusicADM winkypetals asks> what does the song revolution mean?
jamieandjon> Revolution
jamieandjon> It is about standing up for God in our society
christianmusicADM theelectric3 asks> Hey, thanks ahead of time for coming to Lakewood, California on April 7th. We look forward to seeing you guys perform! Jamie, will you do any preaching?
jamieandjon> Don’t you mean Lakewood Colorado? Yea I will speak some
christianmusicADM ShadedRevolution asks> Hey guys, when are you guys going to stay at Ivan’s again?
jamieandjon> If Creation West gets on the ball and has us back —-then we’ll be at Ivan’s this summer
christianmusicADM soulkissed asks> what is your dream car?
jamieandjon> My dream car
jamieandjon> is a 1964 twin coupe racing jaguar
jamieandjon> Jamies
jamieandjon> dream car
jamieandjon> is a 911 Porsche with a whale tale
christianmusicADM MandyNance26 says> Hey guys It’s Mandy!! Do you miss me yet?
jamieandjon> Yes How’s life – I hope your well
christianmusicADM AnnEli asks> have you fellas had any more accidents with skateboard lately?
jamieandjon> Only in my dreams every now and then I dream I’m gonna break my arm on my skateboard right before the show
christianmusicADM Beth asks> do you like rebecca st james or FFH
jamieandjon> I like both
jamieandjon> I like rebeccas music alot
jamieandjon> and ffh has really great people in the group
christianmusicADM soulkissed asks> whats the best practical joke youve ever played on eachother?
jamieandjon> I – jon- one time duck taped jamie to his bed while he was asleep
christianmusicADM> ouch
jamieandjon> then I started to shave his eyebrows – then h
jamieandjon> the he woke up and chased me all around the house
jamieandjon> I was 19 when that happened
christianmusicADM> Great story! lambies asks> Do you have any good bowling tips? We heard you like to bowl!
jamieandjon> The best bowling tip i have
jamieandjon> is close your eyes before you release the ball – It’s all luck any ways
christianmusicADM> I’m getting a lot of questions as to who is being referred to when you say “I” — is Jamie or Jon doing the typing?
jamieandjon> The first 10 minutes Jamie was typing – now I – Jon am typing
christianmusicADM MandyNance26 asks> Did you guys find out if your coming back to Agape this year?
jamieandjon> We don’t know about agape yet
jamieandjon> Hi red amy
jamieandjon> well
christianmusicADM ConsumingFire replies to an earlier comment> Cool, will do. You’ll be missed! Also, is it true you all have more than one album out so far?
jamieandjon> Yes – we have made two albums over the past 4 years….with cadence
jamieandjon> Shaded Red
jamieandjon> and Red revolution
christianmusicADM> Do you know of anywhere that those can be purchased — I get a lot of email questions about that
jamieandjon> Our albums – cannot be purchased unless at our show
jamieandjon> But!!!!!
jamieandjon> We are going to release them for download off our website in the next month – Free!
christianmusicADM> WOW!
christianmusicADM> That’s going to make a lot of people happy
christianmusicADM> okay, back to questions…
christianmusicADM soulkissed gets personal> katie here, we have discussions about this on the mb, and, how old are you boys (for the record) and when are your b-days?
jamieandjon> Jamie is 26 and I am 24
jamieandjon> Jamies b-day is in april and I have a b-day in July
christianmusicADM theelectric3 asks> Do you guys ever read the message board on your site =)
jamieandjon> Every now and then I am a one of the moderators for the site
christianmusicADM winkypetals asks> how did you get started in your singing career
jamieandjon> Our mom is very musical… she always had us playing music in church – one of our earliest
jamieandjon> church singing events was “I’m getting nothing for Christmas”
jamieandjon> at age 6 and 4
christianmusicADM MandyNance26 asks> Jamie, How is Dave and Nate? Have you talked to them in awhile?
jamieandjon> We talk to all the guys.
jamieandjon> Dave is in Colorado in College a Colorado University in Denver
jamieandjon> and Nate is in Tulsa working as a part time missionary
christianmusicADM RedExtol asks> could u guyz give me ur testimonies? if u dont wanna write it all out here and now, is it available on your website?
jamieandjon> Check our Bio on our website I think it is a powerful testimony of God’s grace
christianmusicADM Buth asks> Hey when are you guys coming to Chicago?
jamieandjon> I love chicago —-have your youth pastor contact our booking agent —then we’ll be there.
christianmusicADM concretegirl2 says> Just want to say that you guys rock! Your music and ministry has inspired us! 🙂 We wanted to know what is your favorite thing about living here in Cali? (we love it here! :D)
jamieandjon> I- Jamie- love the ocean , going to the beach playing frisbee with Jon, the weather except for this week is wonderful
christianmusicADM jesse asks> are you gonna be at conerstone festival this year?
jamieandjon> To address all the festivals…..we don’t know which festivals we’ll be at yet….but we’ll post it on the web site as soon as we know.
christianmusicADM> Thank you for that. 🙂 soulkissed asks> katie here, what are your major musical influences?
jamieandjon> My major influences ….Bruce springsteen, russ taff, amy grant —-just kidding.
jamieandjon> Jon’s influences are the rollingstones and we both like the beatles
christianmusicADM Tricia asks> Is it hard to keep your focus on Christ when things get busy or are on the road?
jamieandjon> Wheneve you get busy it’s always hard….but we keep a constant schedule of devotion during the day to keep us focused and centered
christianmusicADM firefly asks> What music have you been listening to lately? 🙂
jamieandjon> A band out of Dallas called Bliss – their cool.
jamieandjon> and also LARUE! They are the best
christianmusicADM> They’re awesome. We had a great chat with them just a few weeks ago.
jamieandjon> They are so nice
jamieandjon> We love them
christianmusicADM RedAmy asks> Are you ever going to come back to the east coast?
jamieandjon> East coast?
christianmusicADM> I would second that nomination…
jamieandjon> Yes!
jamieandjon> Expect us to be there this summer
christianmusicADM> Cool
christianmusicADM glo4Christ asks> my friend wants to know if you guys are really into “oldie” type music, cuz you did a bit at EXCEL
jamieandjon> We really love rock and roll
jamieandjon> The music that started out of jazz and blues that then turned it Rock
jamieandjon> We love it
christianmusicADM MandyNance26 asks> I heard Luke left is that true?
jamieandjon> No
jamieandjon> Luke is playing some shows withBy the Tree, but he’s still with us
christianmusicADM winkypetals asks> i heard you were going to come in concert with 5second silence a while ago in spokane but never did are you planning on coming?
jamieandjon> We played with them in Seattle two months ago….
jamieandjon> as for Spokane I don’t know when we’ll be there – hopefully soon.
christianmusicADM MandyNance26 replies to your earlier question> things are good. Can’t wait to talk with you both.
jamieandjon> k
christianmusicADM theelectric3 asks> How do you like Los Angeles? Pretty cool city huh? =) Are you performing in Southern California at all?
jamieandjon> LA rocks…..We are playing some private shows next month —but in April – we’ll open it up
christianmusicADM RedAmy asks> Do you listen to some harder music? Like Zao or Staveacre ever?
jamieandjon> When I – Jon – was younger I used to listen to all the hard stuff ….Mortal, ….
christianmusicADM winkypetals asks> do u get tired of touring with each other?
jamieandjon> With both of us together? Never.
jamieandjon> Jon is my best friend…..
christianmusicADM ShadedRevolution asks> hey is Tex still with you guys?
jamieandjon> Yea scroll up the page and you see my answer for Tex
christianmusicADM Ezequiel asks> what does the song i wan to know mean?
jamieandjon> One Year- We wrote that as a one year mark of a year history up to that point – I was having trouble
jamieandjon> Feeling connected to life
jamieandjon> So we cried out to God to help us
jamieandjon> It’s a very therapeutic song
christianmusicADM AnnEli asks> Jamie–after things with music die down, which i hope isn’t for a long time, have you consiedered becoming a pastor?
jamieandjon> Yes, I would love to pastor , just like my father did….hopefully My mom , and Jon can be on staff with me
christianmusicADM winkypetals asks> what is your favorite soda?
jamieandjon> I don’t drink pop. But if I were to …..I like Root Beer, A&W;
christianmusicADM Rachel asks> did yall like palying at valley fellowship?
jamieandjon> Yes, It was really fun…..
christianmusicADM MandyNance26 asks> when are you gonna respond to my e-mails Jamie?? 🙂
jamieandjon> When Do I have time…’s been really busy….and My email list has been wiped clean….send a new email I’ll try to get back with you
christianmusicADM winkypetals asks> jon was it emmbarasing when you had to wear those pants at creation last year?
jamieandjon> Which pants. the leather or the really tight blue jeans?
jamieandjon> I like both of them
christianmusicADM AnnEli asks> Jamie–what is the grossest thing jon has ever cooked?
jamieandjon> Jon doesn’t cook gross things….he gives my mom a run for her money if there were ever to be a cook off.
jamieandjon> When if ever I get married….my wife would have to take cooking lessons from Jon
christianmusicADM concretegirl2 asks> What is your favorite memory from touring?
jamieandjon> I- Jon- have this great memory of playing a Alive in front of 20,000 strong it was incredible
christianmusicADM ShadedRevolution asks> hey guys, your cousin Jeremy Moore says hi! his grandpa is Ivan, and hes sorry he couldn’t be here tonight, he has to work.
jamieandjon> Tell Jeremy Moore – Hi for me….I miss him and Ivan
christianmusicADM jesse keeps it simple> favorite color?
jamieandjon> My favorite color is bright blue and Jon’s is Yellow….but tommorow his favorite color is futia
jamieandjon> Yes Fuschia
christianmusicADM Beth asks> inquiring minds want to know, do you all have girlfriends or are interested in anyone? being that it was just valentines day and all.
jamieandjon> About V-Day
jamieandjon> We don’t have girlfriends….we probably would be horrible boy friends.
christianmusicADM ShadedRevolution asks> hey Jamie and Jon, would it be possible to have you guys perform at a youth event some time in the late summer?
jamieandjon> Figuring that we don’t have the time to invest properly in a relationship
jamieandjon> Youth event?
jamieandjon> Contact our booking agent at
jamieandjon> He can help you get us to the event
christianmusicADM winkypetals asks> are you guys going to get a chat room on your site?
jamieandjon> I don’t know….Throw the idea by our web master
christianmusicADM soulkissed asks> are you guys coffee drinkers, if so, what kinds are your favorite (i love lattes…mmmm..:D)?
jamieandjon> I – Jon- if I’m gonna drink coffee would only drink expressos.
jamieandjon> Jamie does not drink any caffiene
christianmusicADM RedAmy asks> Jon: what kind of telecaster do you use in the Revolution video?
jamieandjon> My telecaster is a 1971 butterscotch color with a black pick gaurd….it’s a wonderfull guitar
jamieandjon> I love that guitar
christianmusicADM (I think this is in response to the Rolling Stones comments) Ezequiel asks> why do u guys like non-chrsitian music?
jamieandjon> Don’t you like music…..I believe all music is created by God….although it can be made to be sinful….aka. Marilyn Manson….It doesn’t mean that all music is sinful.
jamieandjon> It’s out of the abundance of a man’s heart that makes a song sin or not
christianmusicADM winkypetals asks> what part of cali do u live in …….just curious i was born there
jamieandjon> We live in the North West of Los Angeles…..Sherman Oaks….
christianmusicADM soulkissed asks> what is your opinion: should shaded red fans be called “redheads” or “revolutionaries”?
jamieandjon> Both our kewl……
jamieandjon> How bout Red Hots
christianmusicADM RedExtol says> i just want u guyz to know that, b-4 i got saved at ur concert, and heard Found Someone, i wuz a suicidal teen, thinking that there wuz no point to life. if God had not uzed u that night. i would not only b dead right now, id be in hell. i dont know if you ever read bout this on the MB but i just thought id let u know how God haz uzed u.
jamieandjon> Red Extol…..keep following God….he loves you….Thank you for your testimony.
christianmusicADM (You may have answered this a minute ago…) Ezequiel asks> whats ur favorite guitar?
jamieandjon> Jon answered…..but my favorite guitar – jamie – is my white Gretch White Falcon….it’s awesome
christianmusicADM soulkissed ssays> HOWDY! its katie again! you guys are such an inspiration…now to the Q: what are your pet peeves?
jamieandjon> I – Jon- hate when Jamie wakes up before me and then turns the t.v. on all loud….then It’s almost like I’m forced to be up.
jamieandjon> Jamies pet peeve is
jamieandjon> When we go out to the hot tub and it’s supposed to be hot….but you step in it and it’s ice cold.
christianmusicADM concretegirl2 asks> What is your favorite song off of each album?
jamieandjon> I- jamie- Found Someone and Let it out….and innocence and when god ran
jamieandjon> jon’s our endless summer days, and sunk
christianmusicADM And our final question this evening is a loaded one: ShadedRevolution asks> hey guys, what do you think about Napster? Do you feel that it takes money and sales away from you, or do you believe that it truly helps bands, especially bands that are in your situation where you really have no way to get your music out to people except through the internet.
jamieandjon> Napster…….
jamieandjon> I don’t feel it’s ight to take money away from the artist or the record company…….
jamieandjon> But we take that on a band by band basis
jamieandjon> As for us……
jamieandjon> Since our album is hard to get…..
jamieandjon> We give everyone permisson to copy our cds and album…….and give it away to every one…
jamieandjon> Until the next record
christianmusicADM> Well, that’s all the time we have for this evening’s event. I want to thank JAMIE & JON ROBERTS from SHADED RED for being here this evening!
jamieandjon> Thanks for having us…..Good Nights

1 Comment

  1. Ok ok ok, after reading this chat I feel it may be time to try and get the band to do another chat like this !!!! How cool would that be to be able to have a live chat with these guys 20 years later. Have all the diehards share stories through the years, ask questions, and just say Hey guys you still rock !!!!!!


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